You are welcome here, whether you are Greek Orthodox, Orthodox Christian, or just curious. We invite you to find Your Spiritual Family and Home here.
About us
Welcome to Saint Basil the Great Greek Orthodox Church. You are welcomed here!
Saint Basil’s is a spiritual family focused on engaging, extending and experiencing the Love of God . Pray with us this Sunday or begin by reaching out to our community leadership through our contact form — Saint Basil’s is here to be your family in Jesus Christ.
Our Services
Every Sunday at 9:30 am we gather together to pray to the all Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and participate in the Divine Liturgy. You and your family are invited to join us. Throughout the year we enjoy coming together as a spiritual family to additional midweek services.
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Join us on your spiritual journey
You salvation began when God became a man (Jesus Christ) It continues when you embrace him It ends when you join Him in paradise. Join us on your journey to the Kingdom of Heaven and the life in the world to come.